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01-07-2005, 12:13 AM
Hey, Angel --

I just wanted to post a "shout out" to your friend, Ms. Jackie Assist.

Angel, I think (no, I KNOW) you're very fortunate to have Ms. Jackie on your side.

She does a great job promoting your Web site and letting us know what you're up to in your absence.

Please don't take her for granted and please don't under-estimate her talents and abilities to help you.

Just from reading her messages, I can tell she's very astute and very loyal to you.

And if you ever paid attention to the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, you would know that "a heart isn't measured by how much you love, but how much you are loved by others."

My name is riffraff and I approve this message!

P.S. How about a promotion and raise for Jackie?!?!? C'mon, Angel, don't be a Scrooge! WOOOOO!

MsJackie Assist
01-08-2005, 10:40 PM
Hello Everybody! I want to personally thank Riffraff for the shout-
Out...I hope it was heard???????Can you hear me?. Well I guess
All is well now in Las Vegas. Kisses & Huggs, watch out for Judas. I heard Kevin had a good time and I am sure you will hear more about those other experiences when the Fabulous FoxyAngel---
returns home to Ft. Lauderdale. Well I cant report to much cause I
couldnt tell what was going on in Vegas I couldnt hear over all the hollaring and screaming----of all those Fans trying to get to FoxyAngel for her autograph or a pic with the reigning Queen of all TS-Girls on the internet.Walk Tall FoxyAngel your the queen of them All......Your humble Friend & Associate Ms Jackie ..............