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View Full Version : Posting of photos?

10-08-2004, 07:29 PM
Hey, Cleo:

How about lifting the moratorium on posting of photos, at least on a probationary basis?

I admit I was over-indulgent in my desire to post photos of big-dick trannies, but would be willing to abide by your guidelines in the future.

Now, before answering, please take a few generous tokes on a fatty before answering. :leaf: :shakehand

10-08-2004, 07:33 PM
That you would have to ask Angel about as it is her board.

I just do the tech work and oil the machine.

10-08-2004, 10:50 PM
Angel, what say you?

I have some neat photos to post, but don't want to abuse the privilege.

I admit I got carried away previously and want to apologize to others for denying them the option of posting photos.

I think with a bit of common sense (o.k., a lot of common sense) we can avoid a repeat of overloading your Web site).

P.S. If I start another sentence with "I," I promise to stab my I's out!


10-09-2004, 08:42 AM
Why don't you just post URLs to the pics that you would like to share?

The problem with allowing people to post pics from their hard drive is Angel's board ends up hosting them and if there is any question of if the pic is legal or not becomes a major problem for Angel. Not to mention copyright issues ***ce Angel does not own proper copyright for images posted from someone's hard drive.

Just post the URLs of pics on the web that you would like to share.

10-12-2004, 10:25 PM
I agree and trust Cleos opinion. I dont want to get in any trouble for displaying others copyrighted pics. I hope you understand.
