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View Full Version : Angel's favorite flicks?

10-08-2004, 06:36 PM
Angel, in the hopes of generating some much-needed discussion, I'm wondering...what are your favorite movies of all time?

I just watched "Last ****o in Paris" with Marlon Brando and that shit weirded me out.

For example, there's one scene where he tells Maria Schneider to clip the fingernails on her third and fourth fingers, then tells her to stick her fingers up his butt! Ooh, Angel!

Then there's that scene where he takes a stick of butter, lubes up her butt-hole, and proceeds to bang her doggy-style on the floor of his filthy apartment.

And, oh, that scene where he "talks" to his wife who committed suicide is really bizarro.

I like Brando, but think I'll stick to "Streetcar Named Desire," "On the Waterfront," and "The Godfather."

Anyone else care to weigh in on the subject...Brando movies or otherwise?

Miss Cleo?